Stack Shift Sourcing Camp

Improve your sourcing skills or explore a career in recruitment!

Applications are closed till the next cohort.

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I started my career as a developer but wanted to explore other things. I participated in Stack Shift's first sourcing camp and then got hired by them full-time. I've really enjoyed being a sourcer. It's a great career if you want to be constantly learning.
Tobi Dogunro,
Talent Scout at Stack Shift

Sourcing Camp is a free, 6-week practical course designed for you to try sourcing for the first time or level up your existing sourcing skills.

We're running this camp because we want to hire talent from the program as either interns or full-time talent scouts.

We also think sourcing is a useful career skill. You’ll learn how to think like a hiring manager, gaining new perspective on your career. You’ll also level-up your networking skills, improving your ability to find and connect with opportunities.

Even if you’ve never sourced before, this is an opportunity to experiment with something new and potentially uncover your next career.


About Sourcing Camp


What is Sourcing?

Sourcing is a specialised type of recruiting focused on finding and engaging candidates.

It has emerged as a new job over the last decade, separate from recruiting. It's similar to lead generation in sales, and involves using a variety of methods to research, find, and engage individuals who may be a good hire for an organisation.


Why is sourcing an interesting career?


It's a job that's easy to do remotely.

In-demand around the world

As companies go from hiring locally → hiring globally they will need more help identifying and attracting talent.

Constant learning

Sourcers get to learn about many different kinds of jobs and companies.


Sourcers and recruiters can get paid just as well as other types of tech talent.


Who makes a good sourcer?

We’re very open to participants with zero knowledge of sourcing. However, you should have the following traits.


You’re excited about constantly learning and figuring out better ways of doing things.

Tech Savvy

Maybe you've tried your hand at software development or come from an engineering or analytical background?


You can find ways to navigate blockers by trying new tools or techniques.


Can you think systematically about a problem and break it down into smaller parts? Do you have a data-driven approach to solving problems?

Great Communicator

You're warm, friendly, and have an authentic desire to connect with people.


Program Details

6 weeks part-time

Camp runs for 6 weeks. All events are opt-in and outside of normal work hours, usually from 6 - 7:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Expect to spend about 5 - 6 hours per week on the program depending on your availability and interest.

Live (online) training with hands-on practice

Each session is led live by one of our team members over Zoom and includes hands-on practice. Our team will also be available on Thursdays to give feedback and help you troubleshoot issues.

Cohort-based and intimate

We plan to accept only 40-50 participants into camp. We expect most participants not to have a background in sourcing or recruiting.


There is no cost to participate, although you will need to have access to a personal laptop for project work.


Get notified about the next cohort!

Fill out this form and you'll be the first to know when we're accepting fresh applications.


Do I need to have prior experience in sourcing to participate?

No! However, you should be tech-savvy, data-driven, and excited to learn.

What does it cost?

The program is completely free.

Will I get a job afterward?

The goal of the program is to improve your sourcing skills, not necessarily get a job. However, Stack Shift plans to hire some program participants as interns or full-time talent scouts. We will also support you with your job search strategy when applying to companies looking to hire sourcers or recruiters.

Do I need to be in Lagos to participate?

No. However, you must be in Nigeria. We will also be hosting an (optional) in-person social midway through the program in Lagos.

What is the time commitment?

All events are opt-in and outside of normal work hours, usually from 6 - 7:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Expect to spend about 5 - 6hours per week on the program depending on your availability and interest.