Web3 happy hour in Lagos

Recruiting the Zeta Cohort of Stack Shift dWeb

Olumide Aderinwale
3 min read
Hi there! I’m Olumide, I work in Program Ops at Stack Shift — the network for experienced tech talent in Africa. We’re excited by remote work and the prosperity it will bring. Our mission at Stack Shift is to help you unlock this opportunity.
We believe that to advance remote work, the biggest lever isn’t technical training. It’s access to powerful networks. That’s why we started Stack Shift dWeb - a fellowship program focused on Web3.

The dWeb Fellowship

Last December, we concluded our third full cohort of our dWeb Fellowship with 59 participants. We had participants in Kenya and South Africa, not just Nigeria. They worked in engineering, design, marketing, and operations. More than half of the cohort also worked in Web3 companies like Gitcoin, Polygon, Unstoppable Domains and Binance.

Some examples include:

During the fellowship, we had:

  • Three IRL socials
  • Weekly peer group accountability meetings
  • Workshops like salary negotiation, stock options, technical interviewing
  • Reverse demo days where companies pitched us opportunities

And a lot more. If you’re curious, here’s the full calendar of events.

The fellowship is supported by a generous grant from the Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web so participants pay Stack Shift nothing to attend. However, we ask that accepted cohort members make a $100 USD (or equivalent) donation to any African tech-focused nonprofit of their choice. This confirms their spot and signals their interest in contributing to the program's give-first ethos.

Some pictures to give you a sense of the fun

Pottery class in Lagos
Dinner in Nairobi
Games Night in Lagos

Next cohort:

We started recruiting today for the upcoming cohort, which will begin in March. Because the fellowship is focused on networking, not technical training, we target people who are either 1) already working in Web3 or 2) senior enough to easily transition.

Applications are currently invite-only. If you’re interested, you can learn more about the fellowship and submit your interest here. We’ll reach out to schedule an intro call if it looks like a potential fit. We have a very small team and limited bandwidth, so my apologies in advance if we don’t reach out to schedule a call with you.

Our goal with the selection process is to curate a mix of participants that have aligned goals but also a diversity of expertise compared to those already accepted. Either way, we’ll keep you informed of awesome Web3 events, insights, and jobs.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event soon!

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